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Turning 50: Gen X comes of age

The Identity Series

Once you turn 50, the marketing world renders people invisible and always has done. But those turning 50 today are the original digital generation, the rebellious Gen Xers. How can today’s marketers continue to ignore this noisy generation? Our research gives them back their megaphone and they have a lot to say.

We spoke to a range of people from different backgrounds, all turning 50 in today's world. We explored their hopes, fears, joys and insecurities. Our research is a call to action to marketeers, to see 50 as a milestone of middle age rather than the start of old age. So, let’s think about how we communicate with this audience and rewrite their script.

We have released an updated version of our findings, and you can download the full report below.

To find out more about this research and its implication for brands in the UK, please get in touch to arrange a time for us to present the findings at

This research is part of The Identity Series, where every year we explore aspects of life that touch on people’s identity.