You will probably have seen our exciting news from a couple of weeks ago as The Nursery achieved B Corp certification – and not just any old certification. If this had been an exam, we would have earned a distinction with our 100.5 pts, compared with a pass score of 80 (putting us in the top 150 out of 1000 B Corps nationally).
The dust is settling as we bask in a warm glow of satisfaction of what a decent company we are! And yet what does this really mean?
Well time for a market research analogy. Often when we do survey research, we report back and the client is relieved to hear our results confirm their expectations. But if we have simply confirmed what they already knew are we really earning our keep?
And the answer is most definitely yes.
· There is reassurance for our clients that their instincts are sound.
· There is a clarity in knowing where they are and what they must work on.
· And there is empowerment in having evidence to help support what comes next.
And that’s really the story for us with our B Corp Certification.
· We thought we were good and now we know we are – hooray!
· There’s plenty to improve if we want our business to remain a force for good and we know exactly what to work on.
· And we have a story we can share with all our partners, so we are working towards the same goals.
That is pretty useful stuff.
We’d better get to work.