Holidays are coming ! Not the snowy jingly ones, but even better, the big exciting summer ones where we can take a break from the world and experience new adventures.
Our annual get-away (or getaways if we’re lucky enough) has always been central to our wellbeing but since the pandemic, people have embraced the joy of travel with even greater gusto. We know that holidays have a huge range of benefits but what we used to think was a bit of R&R and a chance to top up our tan, has deepened. We now know that holidays have all sorts of positive impacts such as reducing stress, improving sleep, increasing creativity, promoting learning and generally enhancing our overall happiness.
This is one of the reasons we’re delighted to be invited back to present some of our Identity Series findings to the 101 Holidays Member Conference this week. The travel writers at 101 are hugely inspiring and super knowledgeable about amazing places to visit. We loved the conference last year where we met a wide variety of independent travel companies, creating unusual and frankly awe-inspiring trips for their customers. Trekking in Albania and the digital nomad lifestyle in Thailand were my favourite recommendations.
Last year we presented our findings about Gen X turning 50 and how this generation was changing what we think about middle age. This year, we are turning our attention to Baby Boomers. This influential generation are going to live about 20 years longer than their parents and unlike generations coming after them, much of this will be spent in ‘retirement’ – a word that needs rebranding !
Our fabulous team, Emma Harries, Zara Marouf and Ben Moxon, will be attending and presenting lots of juicy findings both trivial and fundamental about this audience. They’re also looking forward to hearing about the latest travel trends and inspirations.