Reasons to be cheerful: Finding hope through social research

The idea that the world is a bleak, forbidding place and it’s only going to get worse seems to have taken root in recent times.  It’s easy to see why.  A quick scan of recent news stories delivers a slew of not-exactly-heartwarming subjects and that’s before we factor in the day-to-day doldrums of the miserable weather and nightmare commutes.

So why would anyone want to work in social research,  a discipline that by its nature involves getting immersed in the harder aspects of life?  As social researchers, our aim is to talk to people across every part of society about every aspect of life.  Much of our work involves understanding the hidden nuances of the everyday or understanding how to encourage positive behaviour change.  But there’s  a strong stream of work that involves tackling tough subjects, asking people to talk about difficult times or unearthing hard truths.  We’re just as likely to be talking about mental health, money problems and marginalisation as we are about driving or data protection. 

You might well ask: Isn’t it all a little…depressing? Well, it can be hard, no doubt about that.  As a team we need to look after ourselves as well as the people who are willingly opening up about sensitive subjects.  Yet strange as it might seem, it’s often a hugely positive and occasionally even uplifting experience, particularly on the qualitative side.  In some ways, participating in research often seems like a form of catharsis: it’s not uncommon for the weight to almost visibly lift from the shoulders of respondents as they tell a stranger about an experience or explain how it really feels to live in a certain way.  When the subject’s appropriate for a group session, the gradual realisation that this is normal, there’s others like me is almost palpable.  Obviously we’re not offering therapy, and we never pretend that we do, but for some there is a clear release. The number of people who enthusiastically take our information sheets signposting support services in itself suggests some positive after-effects.

At the risk of sounding a little Pollyanna-ish, that positivity pervades much of the research process.  It’s pretty hard to lose faith in humanity when you’re talking to people across the country, across the world, hearing their stories and understanding what drives them.  They may not always tell us what we want to hear or espouse the same views as us, but there’s something to learn even from those whose values are seemingly diametrically opposed to those of the researcher. 

It’s worth remembering that commissioning research is, in itself,  an optimistic act.  It demonstrates a faith in the future, a desire to improve something, no matter how small and a belief in the power of listening to what people have to say.  If the world was truly already in its hellbound hellcart, none of this would have any point at all.

I’m not saying that research is going to save the world.  But the truth is that every time someone genuinely wants to hear how others experience the world, and tries to make a positive difference as a result, something is getting better.  So … is social research depressing?  Only in the moment, and only when we’re using that essential skill that in itself offers hope:  empathy. 

As long as we’ve got that, the world can get back on track. 

The Nursery Social is a new team that builds on our reputation as pioneers in brand and communications research. We combine commercial expertise with an understanding of social issues, policy and community.

We believe in citizen-powered research. Our aim is to take on tough challenges, ask tricky questions, fill in the gaps. This means placing citizens, everyday people,  at the heart of what we do, because they’re the ones we’re relying on.