Happy EO Day
Friday 23rd June is designated EO Day. A day when Employee Owned businesses can take stock and celebrate a successful transition to shared ownership. (for more information check out more here
It is now 2½ years since The Nursery made the EO leap and whilst there have been a few bumps along the way we have achieved so much:
· New best in class family and menopause policies
· Winners of MRS best place to work award
· Investors in People Gold Award
· B Corp Certification
· Launch and vigorous support for EDI, Health and Wellness and B Corp teams (not forgetting the Fun Squad)
· And free orange squash for all partners!
There is an energy around the office (especially on Wednesdays and Thursdays when most of the team are in) and a healthy buzz from partners who care – about the business, about each other, about the work they produce.
Our first partner survey seems to back that up:
We willl be celebrating EO DAY at The Nursery. We are off to Calthorpe Community Garden in Kings Cross to turn our hands to gardening (we are called The Nursery for a reason!) and doing our bit for people and planet (profit can have a day off).