CEO - David Alterman takes a moment to reflect on 'People Matter'
“The truth is, I thought it mattered - I thought that music mattered. But does it bollocks? Not compared to how people matter.”
My favourite quote from my favourite film, also used, of course, as part of the intro to TubThumping by Chumbawumba.
Something similar to this quote came to mind as I was chatting to my daughter whose house has just been swamped by the storms in New Zealand. She and her flatmates are fine but the house is a wreck and most of their stuff is unsalvageable.
It was pretty traumatic – the water rose about 6ft in 4 hours. Fortunately everyone got out safely. Following the deluge there was a comparable deluge of support, goodwill, kit, food and supplies from friends, family, neighbours, strangers and even prime ministers! Jacinda Ardern, (PM until a few weeks ago), was driving past and popped in to give them a hug and some moral support.
In trying to offer some support of my own from 12,000 miles away I emphasised that, in time, the memories that would stick with them all would not be the clothes and bedding that were destroyed, but the life affirming human connections that were made.
So tweaking ‘Danny’s comments from Brassed Off – for ‘music’ read ‘stuff’.
And apologies now, because I have a business to run – but I’ll give Danny’s quote one more tweak.
“The truth is, I thought it mattered - I thought that Intellectual Property mattered. But does it bollocks? Not compared to how people matter.”
When our clients have stormwater metaphorically lapping at their business front doors do they need a brand equity model or other sorts of Intellectual Property, or do they need expert, thoughtful, creative, hardworking people to bail them out?
At the Nursery we agree with Danny.