Understanding HCPs behaviour, motivations, and preferences online to build the optimal personalised digital strategy.
Understanding HCPs behaviour, motivations, and preferences online to build the optimal personalised digital strategy.
We used a holistic approach to understand digital behaviour of HCPs as people, not just treaters of disease or customers of pharma / medtech. We combined observed data of what HCPs are actually doing online (through passive metering), with rationale for the observed decisions and preferences (from qualitative interviews), to get the 'full picture’ of HCPs digital behaviour.
'Being with the HCP' over time via an app meant that ongoing authentic behaviour was captured in real time vs. a snapshot or reported behaviour that would have been collected from interviews and surveys alone.
What the research delivered
•3 distinct HCP personas, brought to life by their real digital journeys and motivations for digital behaviour, and their optimal engagement preferences
•Co-discovery as respondents were confronted with their real digital behaviour in interviews, and together uncover rationale behind their online decision making
•Granular level detail on HOW HCP personas consume data, as well as WHAT they consume